In order to travel by bus from Cochabamba to Oruro, you must take the bus at the main bus terminal located on Avenida Ayacucho. Buses arrive in Oruro at the new bus terminal on Calle Gregorio Reynolds.
The bus trip between the cities of Cochabamba and Oruro lasts around 5
hours, covering 214 kilometers through a paved highway that crosses valleys and
the Bolivian altiplano.
There are daily departures by bus between the
two cities.
Oruro is famous for its Carnival, lavish costumes and elaborate parades. Outside Carnival season, there are some worthwhile museums to visit in the city and plenty to see in the surrounding area.
Tickets Bolivia is a Bolivian company that
lets you book tickets from Cochabamba to Oruro online with the most reliable
transportation companies and the convenience of booking online with the safest
payment platforms.