In order to travel from Villazon to Tarija you need to go to the bus terminal in Villazon, located in Tumusla avenue, and they arrive to the bus terminal in Tarija, located in Pedro Arraya avenue. They are small buses and depart normally from 8:00 H to 19:30H.
The distance between Villazón and Tarija is 300 km and the trip by bus and/or train between these cities takes around 8 hours. Villazón is a Bolivian town on the border with Argentina, and a popular crossing point for travelers who come from Argentina to visit the Salar de Tarija, one of the best-known tourist destinations in the world.
Tickets Bolivia puts at your
service the online sale of tickets from Villazón to Tarija by bus and train,
offering a quality service with the best buses and prices to offer you a
pleasant trip. We work with the safest and most reliable payment gateways.