Oruro is located at 561 km from Tupiza. The city of Oruro is known as the folklore capital of Bolivia. The best alternative to travel from Tupiza to Oruro is by train. The trip by train from Tupiza to Oruro is about 13 hours long and the journey promises a great landscape, passing from the valley until reaching the high mountains, the Andean mountain range and the Altiplano. The train will make short stops at Atocha and Uyuni. The train leaves from the Train Station in Tupiza, on Serrano Av, on the corner of Abaroa Av. The trains arrive in Uyuni at the train Station located on Ferroviaria Av. on the corner of Arce Av.
Tickets Bolivia is the first Bolivian company selling online tickets from Tupiza to Oruro with the most confortable train and bus companies. If you want to buy online tickets contact us and we will offer different alternatives to help you with your journey.