Robore is a city located at a distance of 400 km from the city of Santa Cruz, in the province of Chiquitos known for its tropical weather and the nearby dry forest. It offers visitors natural landscapes such as “Totaizales” and “Los Helechos” waterfalls, cave art and lake Manantial, among others.
This route can be traveled by train from Santa Cruz to Robore. To take the train you have to leave from “Bimodal” terminal at Montes Avenue. In this train station you will find the railway company which offers to travel with Expreso Oriental and Ferrobús company. Both companies offer high quality services with super Pullman and bed included service.
The schedule for the train:
*Expreso Oriental: Monday Wednesday and Friday (13:20 PM)
*Ferrobús: Tuesday Thursday and Sunday (18 PM)
Is an 8-hour trip crossing little towns like San José de Chiquitos, Chochis and finally arriving in Robore.
Tickets Bolivia is the first Bolivian company selling online tickets from Santa Cruz to Robore with the most comfortable train companies. If you want to buy online tickets contact us and we will offer different alternatives to help you with your journey.