Uyuni is one of the most popular travel destinations and many people make their way from Uyuni to Santa Cruz by land. Nevertheless, if you want to travel from Uyuni to Santa Cruz by bus you need to break up your trip into at least two segments, as there is no bus or train company that makes the direct route.
You have many options to travel from Uyuni to Santa Cruz by bus: you could go from Uyuni to La Paz, Oruro, Potosí or Sucre, and from those cities straight to Santa Cruz. If comfort and efficiency are important to you in this trip, we recommend you take the Uyuni-La Paz-Santa Cruz route because the buses tend to be better and the roads are in better conditions.
The trip from Uyuni to La Paz covers a distance of 731 km and lasts around 11 hours. The buses leave from the bus station in Uyuni, located on Cabrera Av, on the corner of Arce Street. The buses arrive in La Paz at the bus terminal, located on Peru Av. From that same terminal you can take a bus to Santa Cruz, but before you board the bus you need to pay a small fee of 2.5 Bolivianos, called the Uso de Terminal. The trip from La Paz to Santa Cruz takes 17 to 18 hours, covering a distance of 849 km. All buses arrive in Santa Cruz at the Bimodal Station, located on Montero Av.
Tickets Bolivia lets you book tickets online to travel between Cochabamba and Puno, with the comfort of paying by credit card, debit card or payment platforms such as PayPal.