In order to travel from Uyuni to Cochabamba by bus, you have to go Cabrera avenue and Arce avenue from where buses leave. The buses leave every day at the evening and arrive the next day morning at around six, at the bus terminal of Cochabamba located on Ayacucho avenue.
The distance between Cochabamba and Uyuni is 524 km and the trip by bus from Uyuni to Cochabamba takes 11 hours.
Cochabamba is the fourth
largest in Bolivia; it is considered the culinary capital of Bolivia and
renowned for its food and generous portions. Cochabamba is also known as the
garden city for its temperate climate, beautiful urban parks and nearby natural
Tickets Bolivia lets you
book your tickets online for your bus trip from Uyuni to Cochabamba and back,
with reliable bus companies and the comfort of paying online by credit card,
debit card or PayPal.