The distance between the cities of Cochabamba and Tarija is 798 km and the direct trip by bus takes around 17 hours. In order to travel from Tarija to Cochabamba by bus, you have to take the bus at the Land Terminal of Tarija located in Victor Paz Estenssoro Av. The buses leave every day at the end of the afternoon and arrive in the Bus Terminal of Cochabamba in Ayacucho Av. close to noon the following day. The highway is almost totally paved.
Tarija is a city in the Bolivian valley, known for its warm climate, wine production, and friendly people. Cochabamba is the third-largest city in Bolivia, located in the heart of the country at 2400 m. above sea level.
Tickets Bolivia has the safest and most
reliable booking system which let passengers choose their route from different
bus companies. Travelers can book their bus and train tickets with the most
comfortable and reliable transportation companies and with the safest online
payment platforms.