Traveling from Tacna to Arequipa by bus lasts about 6 and a half hours and the distance between the two cities is 371 km. There are frequent daily departures from Tacna to Arequipa every day with different bus companies in semi lie-flat or lie-flat buses. The highway that connects Tacna and Arequipa is in good condition, making for comfortable travel by bus between the two cities.
Tacna is a popular tourist destination as it connects the north of Chile to Peru. Arequipa is located at an altitude of 2,335 m above sea level, the weather is dry and cold at night, with few rains. It is the second most important city in Peru and is famous for its beautiful colonial architecture and delicious cuisine.
Tickets Bolivia has the safest and most reliable booking system which lets passengers choose their trip from different bus companies. Travelers can book their bus and train tickets through the website with the best-known online payment companies such as PayPal or Stripe.