To travel from Oruro to Iquique by bus, you must take the bus at the bus terminal on Calle Gregorio Reynolds. The buses leave every day at 6:00am and arrive in Iquique at 3:00pm, local time. The bus crosses the Bolivian altiplano, through Colchane-Pisiga where passengers will get off the bus to do their migration paperwork.
Iquique is a Chilean
port city located at 478 km from Oruro. It is characterized by its intense
commercial activity. Iquique is one of the most attractive tourist destinations
in Chile; it has good hotel infrastructure, beaches and lots of activities day
and night. The city is famous because of Zona Franca (duty-free zone), known by
the acronym Zofri. It is one of the most visited places in the north of Chile
even though it is neither a tourist destination nor a geographical feature.
Tickets Bolivia offers
the sale of bus and train tickets online with the best transportation
companies, providing you the ease of buying online with the safest payment