The distance between Antofagasta and Cochabamba is 1.112 km, and the trip beteen both cities takes around 24 hours. Cochabamba is the heart of Bolivia, located in the center of the country, and is considered its culinary capital. This city has warm climate year-round, and is located at an altitude of 2.600 m above sea level.
The bus company that provides the direct service from Antofagasta to Cochabamba is Trans Salvador, which leaves every day at 22:00 pm and arrives in Cochabamba at the same time the next day. The buses leave from Avenida Paraguay 846, between Oviedo and Chiloé streets. In Cochabamba, the buses arrive at the bus terminal located in Ayacucho Av.
Tickets Bolivia offers the online sale of bus tickets from Antofagasta to Cochabamba. Compare prices, schedules and seat types, and travel with the best transportation companies. Buy today through our website, which works with the most reliable online payment platforms in the market.