The distance between Lima and Arequipa is 1,014 km,
and the trip by bus takes 18 hours, approximately. The buses leave from the bus terminal Gran
Terminal Terrestre Plaza Norte, en la Av. Túpac Amaru, Independencia. There are several
companies that offer this service, with buses leaving between 06:00 am and 17:00 in the
afternoon. In Arequipa, the buses arrive at the bus terminal called Terrapuerto, located on
Arturo Ibañez St.
The trip from Puno to Arequipa takes about 7 hours by
bus. The trip covers 292 km where you can appreciate beautiful landscapes from Lake Titicaca
to the highlands of Peru. Buses leave from the bus terminal in Puno located on Avenida Primero
de Mayo and arrive in Arequipa at the bus terminal on Calle Arturo Ibañez.
The trip from La Paz to Arequipa takes about 12 hours
by bus. The quickest way to make the trip is to travel first to Puno, and from there to La Paz.
Puno is 263km from La Paz and the journey takes about 6 hours. The distance from Puno to
Arequipa is 292km and it takes another 6 hours. The journey involves a border crossing, so
make sure that you have all the necessary paperwork reading according to your nationality
entry requirements.
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